
FAQ: What does my East Coast Chair & Barstool order status mean?

Posted by Stephanie Hilliard on Sep 01, 2023

FAQ: What does my East Coast Chair & Barstool order status mean?

Congratulations, you’ve placed your East Coast Chair & Barstool order! So what comes next?  

There are few different statuses that orders called in or made on our website need to go through before they arrive at your business. You can find your order’s status via email when changes are made or checking your account on our website after your order has been placed. 

Let’s take a look at what each of these statuses are and what they mean for your order: 

  • Awaiting Payment – This status means the order is placed and we have authorized your payment method but haven’t charged it yet. Simultaneously, our customer care team is preparing your freight quote to send to you for approval. These freight quotes are determined by your items and location, so they are unique to your order. An order will stay in this status until you approve your freight quote and payment is finalized. 
  • Awaiting Order Confirmation – Our customer care team has emailed you your freight quote. You must approve this quote for your order to move forward. If your order is in this stage and you haven’t received your freight quote, please be sure to check your spam email. Many times this quote can get stuck in this hidden part of your email and delay your order from progressing. 
  • Awaiting Fulfillment – Your order will change to this status once you have approved the shipping quote, payment is processed, and all custom paperwork required has been received The order is now moving forward and in the queue to be produced or pulled by our warehouse team. 
  • Awaiting Shipment Confirmation – After your order is packed and ready for shipping, our shipping department will send you your order’s packing details. You will need to confirm the address, contact name, and phone number. You will also need to agree that you are ready to receive the shipment, whether or not you chose to have a liftgate on the truck, and that you will be responsible for unpacking and taking your order inside your establishment. 
  • Shipped – Exciting news! Your items have left our warehouse and are heading to you. Our shipping department will send you a tracking email where you can follow your order’s delivery progress and another email with the tracking information, terminal’s phone number, and estimated arrival date. Please refer to the email from our shipping department if you need a reminder of the oncoming delivery’s details.  
  • Partially Shipped – If you have elected to split your order into multiple shipments, you may see this status if some items have shipped out. 
  • Cancelled – There are few reasons why you may have your order cancelled. 1) You have alerted our customer care team that you wish to cancel. 2) We do not ship to anywhere outside of the continental 48 United States. If your shipping destination is somewhere not in these states, your order will be cancelled.  

If you have any further questions about your order, status, or our restaurant furniture, please contact our customer care team at 800-986-5352. They will be able to assist you with your order and answer any questions you have along the way.  

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